that great things happen when a city COMES TOGETHER to develop a
long-term plan FOR THE FUTURE of the community.


YOUR INVOLVEMENT can help shape the future of the DALLAS CITY CORE.
Urban planning and city building becomes the collective work of agencies, stakeholders and individuals.


to develop the Dallas City Center Master Assessment Process "CityMAP"
to identify neighborhood redevelopment, preservation, and transportation scenarios for a comprehensive vision for the city's future.

Dallas CityMAP

The Dallas CityMAP effort is looking at the urban core and the role the surrounding highway system
should play in CONNECTING PEOPLE AND PLACES both along
and across these roadway corridors.

Long considered simply a way to "get there," urban interstates take on new meaning as communities like Dallas struggle to replace their transportation infrastructure and create a more integrated future.

Changing views and expectations for greater neighborhood and regional connectivity and livability are motivating communities to examine both traditional and innovative mobility solutions.

The DALLAS CityMAP Study Area

CityMAP Team

Contact Us

City building takes time. Let's get started.
Join the CONVERSATION and be part of the SOLUTION.

Be part of Dallas CityMAP.

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